Cosmetics Formulation Development

ทำเซรั่ม vit c สอบถาม

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Make vit c serum. Inquire.

Postby chinshin9195 » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:54 pm

will make serum vit c 15% The formula is as follows. Vitamin C Ultra fine Vitamin E สารกันเสีย phenoxythanol Ethyleneglycol buthylene glycol น้ำกลั่น I want to know. How much should I put? So what's the process of dissolving?
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Re: Making vit c serum Inquire

Postby staff » Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:14 am

Hello, I would like to introduce a sample recipe. Vitamin C as follows: 1. Vitamin CE Ferulic 2. Natural-C Glycol Both formulas have an element listed. on the web page
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