Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Postby contact3 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:05 am

1. There is a gel substance that has been left on the face when applied. Or apply something else over without any flaky? 2. If you put Silicone Gel in products that want the meat to be watery What must be put in this substance? And when it comes out, it will be a clear color or a cloudy white. Thank you.
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Re: flaky

Postby staff » Sun Apr 21, 2019 1:00 am

1.There is a gel substance that has been left on the face when applied. Or paint something else over, no fluff. What is it?
Flaky is not related to สารสร้างเนื้อครีม only (actually a cream maker or Gel Maker polymer groups may be more vulnerable to fluff than other types) need to look at the composition of the formula as well. that there are any components that are absorbed slowly or not absorbed at all (leave or coat on the surface), for example Silicone Gel (due to the crosspolymer composition in the gel can not be absorbed into the skin at all) or Dimethicone Heavy type (high molecule weight) this flaky There is also a chance that it will happen because of the skin. such as applying too much cream or too continuous make each product applied Absorbs quickly into the skin Each individual's skin is able to absorb the formula much - fast - little - slow, varying, for example, to notice that If the same cream is applied on the skin of a teenager and on the skin of an aging person Older people's skin takes longer to absorb.
2. If enter Silicone Gel in products requiring a watery texture. What must be put in this substance? And then come out, it will be clear or opaque white
try to test Silk Lotion Maker , always opaque white
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