Cosmetics Formulation Development

Shea Butter Water ในสบู่อาบน้ำ

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Shea Butter Water in Bath Soap

Postby primplern » Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:11 am

Hello, if you make this bath soap recipe Can it be used? Sulfate Free Shampoo Base (pH 7, Clear, Foaming) - 20% shea butter water - 5% Mild Preserved Eco™ ( Preservative-Free ) 1% PolyCat™ (Cationic Softening Polymer) 0.1% Fragrance 1% น้ำกลั่น rest shea butter water instead of Glycerin Can you use soap in the bath? Or put both well. Thank you very much.
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Re: Shea Butter Water in bath soap

Postby staff » Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:17 pm

Hello, the formula can be mixed. shea butter water can be used in Can this formula be By letting it dissolve in water directly.
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