Cosmetics Formulation Development

Squalane + L-ascorbic acid 25%

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Squalane + L-ascorbic acid 25%

Postby » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:01 am

Ingredients in body cream at night, use it myself. Focus on white skin. Mix again every time. for the stability of L-ascorbic acid formula contains - Squalane 75% - L-ascorbic acid 25% ( Ultra fine) 1. วิตามินซี is active in skin care. Squalane ? 2. Or should make a base cream with DI Water with Emulsifier and add L-ascorbic acid 25% time Would it be better to use it? Please suggest a formula. 3. L-ascorbic acid Ultra fine penetrates into the skin better. Is it deeper than normal? Thank you very much.
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Re: Squalane + L-ascorbic acid 25%

Postby staff » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:28 am

Hello, the formula cannot be mixed because L-ascorbic acid will not dissolve in Squalane has become is dispersed in oil which, when left, will precipitate
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