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Ask for advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out.

Postby nuichollada » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:31 pm

Ask for advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out. to make me slippery Can I use the ingredients in the Siricone group? Cyclomethicone / Cyclopentasiloxane Will it be dangerous because I haven't cleaned it out? Is there a recommendation for other substances to make my hair slippery and not tangled?
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Re: Advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out

Postby staff » Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:20 am

Hello, if my hair is not severely dry The study team recommends making a formula in the form of a hair spray. would be more suitable ซิลิโคน can be used on hair. in the right amount It will be able to provide softness and help coat the hair well. An example of a simple spray formula. SiliWater™ (ซิลิโคนละลายในน้ำ) 3% Mild Preserved Eco 1% [ สารกันเสีย ] water, the rest if members do not want to use ซิลิโคน optional hair conditioning can be any other type of agent. For example: Poly-Conditioner Pro 3-5% Mild Preserved Eco 1% [ สารกันเสีย ] water the rest
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Re: Advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out

Postby » Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:54 am

The recipe given above is silky, isn't it? I want a lotion for curly hair to catch beautiful curls and look weighty.
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Re: Advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out

Postby » Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:56 am

Recommend the recipe, so I can order the substance. Thank you.
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Re: Advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out

Postby staff » Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:05 am

Hello, what is the meaning of Silky formula that members mentioned? Please inform the ingredient list on the product label. So that the team can recommend to meet the needs as well.
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Re: Advice on ingredients for hair conditioner without washing out

Postby » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:29 pm

Well, I don't have a formula in mind, but I would like to suggest a simple formula for hair lotion without washing it off. For curly hair, catch the curls and look weightless and not sticky.
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