Haircare Recipes


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Ask for a shampoo formula that uses a lot of coconut oil.

Postby janezathets » Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:16 pm

because I am a manufacturer น้ำมันมะพร้าว Cold Pressed Export So I wanted to get a shampoo formula. Come to be an opportunity for the general public to use at a cheap price. Ask for the most natural formula. Thank you in advance
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Re: Can I have a shampoo formula that uses a lot of coconut oil?

Postby staff » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:44 am

Hello, the team gives advice as follows: Any shampoo formula, members will not be able to use. น้ำมันมะพร้าว in high quantity due to 1 . The purpose of the shampoo is to wash off the fat from the hair and scalp, so it is not consistent With trying to add oil to the formula, if the proportion of oil is too much when used to clean the hair. will feel unclean After washing, the oil remains on the hair or scalp. [Or if trying to clean it up by increasing the proportion of สารชะล้าง would add unreasonable cost] 2. It can be difficult to combine high oil content in formulations. and may cause instability resulting in stratification If members find that in the market there is a claim that shampoo contains components. น้ำมันธรรมชาติ in high quantities. products like this There is oil as mentioned. Just a little, for both reasons above.
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