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foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:25 pm

Recommend a formula to make a foot deodorant spray. The desired feature is that it can be sprayed on the feet and shoes to help reduce sweat, kill bacteria. It can help reduce foot odor and smelly shoes and prevent new odor for new shoes. Ask for the ingredients and method of mixing.
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby touchzhakornxx » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:25 pm

Water spray Water = 79% Flora Solve Clear = 5% Anti-Sweat = 15% Mild Preserve Eco = 1% mixed together Then inject it. As a result of using the sweat on the feet is reduced. After wearing socks and shoes for 6 consecutive hours, take off your shoes and socks and smell them. No musty smell at all.
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:15 pm

If we want to add this as well Orange Flower Extract What kind of formula do I need to adjust? I'm afraid that those whose feet stink heavily will not be able to take it. And can this formula be able to scrub the armpits as well?
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:45 pm

or we will fill Zinc PCA to suppress the smell instead because I saw a post saying Anti-Sweat It suppresses sweat but still doesn't deodorize. Which one should we add to deodorize? and ask for a new blending recipe
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:20 pm

please answer
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby staff » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:42 pm

Water = 79% Flora Solve Clear = 5% Anti-Sweat = 15% Mild Preserve Eco = 1%
Thank you team. touchzhakornxx to help share the recipe
If we want to add this as well Orange Flower Extract What kind of formula do I need to adjust? I'm afraid those who have stinky feet won't be able to handle
Orange Flower Extract soluble in oil. therefore must be dissolved with Flora Solve Clear first, then add it to the formula's water. It is recommended to try at 1% first.
Or we will add Zinc PCA to suppress the smell instead because I saw a post saying Anti-Sweat It suppresses sweat but doesn't deodorize it. Which one should we add to deodorize it? And ask for a new formula
Zinc will help in controlling bacteria. Which is one of the elements in the smell in some people. The team is not sure Members make this mix for their own use or develop a formula to produce and sell. if for own use Maybe try using a smaller amount of ingredients first. If that doesn't work, then consider adding. Zinc PCA Yes, but if it is produced for sale Ingredient selection may be necessary to cover a wide range of users.
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:30 pm

Ask for a formula that covers many groups of people, what else needs to be added? (can be injected under the armpit as well) It is used in many families.
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:23 am

I want to add ethyl alcohol to dry quickly about 20% of the formula as well. Can I have all the new ingredients so I can order at once? and how to mix it
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby staff » Thu May 03, 2018 11:09 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce the formula as follows. Orange Flower Extract 1% Ethyl Alcohol 40% LipidSoft Deo 10% Anti-Sweat 10% water rest 100%  No need สารกันเสีย because of the usage rate. Ethyl Alcohol which can be disinfected. At a high rate
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Re: foot deodorant spray

Postby kitty_collon » Fri May 11, 2018 9:20 pm

Tried to mix it and the alcohol smell was too strong. Can I adjust the formula like this? Orange Flower Extract 1% Flora Solve Clear 5% LipidSoft Deo 5% Anti-Sweat 10% water part Remaining to complete 100% a Mix the first 3 together. Let's mix the last b2 of each and then mix a+b together like this, right? can it be like this
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