Fragrance Formulation Development


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making air freshener gel

Postby rodloverresearch » Mon Jun 18, 2018 4:31 pm

Recommend a recipe for making gel. น้ำหอม conditioner, texture similar to this one (according to the live attachment) is the gel texture that is flexible and clear. And no liquid is formed after setting. I've tried Carrageenan + SLS + Paraban + Propylene Glycol + ethanol 95% + Essential Oil + Water, the gel that sets quickly, but the color is cloudy and becomes liquid after the treatment. Recommend a recipe for making gel. น้ำหอม Air conditioning please, thank you.
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Re: Making air freshener gel

Postby staff » Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:26 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce 2 points 1. Since น้ำหอม will dissolve in oil, gel making should be used. สารสร้างเนื้อเจล oil, not water gel, for example สารสร้างเนื้อเจล , oil and clarifier such as Oil Thick Clear 2. The formula should not contain water and it should not contain SLS ( สารชะล้าง ) because the page is not used. Any cleaning
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