Haircare Recipes


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What percentage of the preservative use rate is used?

Postby korakodfreedom » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:19 am

Thyme Kill™ (o-Cymen-5-ol) สารกันเสีย Natural Rate Use: 0.05-0.1% How many ml should I use to get a ratio of 0.05-0.1% NaturePreserve™ ? NaturePreserve™ ( Gluconolactone ) usage rate : 0.75-2.0% (recommended 1.25% for all kinds of products) how many milliliters should be used to get the ratio of 0.75-2.0%
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Re: What percentage of preservative use rate do you use?

Postby staff » Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:10 pm

Hi, calculating the ratio To weigh by weight only. Dear members. Learn more from มือใหม่กรุณาอ่านที่นี่
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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