Cosmetics Formulation Development

วิธีการผสมครีม DMAE skin Tightening Gel

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How to mix DMAE skin Tightening Gel Cream

Postby keerati_ch » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:09 pm

According to the formula of myskinrecipes in youtube video tutorial DMAE skin tightening gel we can add น้ำหอม Butter Milk Flavor can it go into the cream?
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Re: How to mix DMAE skin Tightening Gel Cream

Postby beautyxguide » Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:12 am

Can add Butter Milk Flavor can be inserted into the formula. If the information is useful, please click like instead of thank you. Thank you :D
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Re: How to mix DMAE skin Tightening Gel Cream

Postby staff » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:48 am

Hello, thank you team, beautyxguide. In case members want to add scent to the formula, it is recommended to use น้ำหอม instead of Flavor because น้ำหอม will give a clearer scent by Flavor would be ideal. with the use in formulas that come into contact with the mouth, such as Flavor rather than Flavor into the above formula, you can do it.
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