Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Recommend a sunscreen formula.

Postby miraclej097 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:12 am

Please suggest a formula for a lightweight, waterproof sunscreen too. Thank you.
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Re: Recommend a sunscreen formula?

Postby staff » Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:47 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce members You can check out a sample recipe from the product detail page. SPF Protect Ultra™ II
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Re: Recommend a sunscreen formula?

Postby miraclej097 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:08 am

According to the formula SPF Protect Ultra || 15% Milk Lotion Maker . 3% Satin Cream Maker . 0.7% Water. 80.3% Mild Preserved . Eco. 1% if adjusted by adding skin nourishing substances. Or an extract. Can I have it.....if I can. In which step should I add it...and reduce the % of the ingredients? Thank you.
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Re: Recommend a sunscreen formula?

Postby miraclej097 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:23 pm

according to the formula above If you want to lighten your skin, you can use Warp Cream Maker Milk Lotion Maker .
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Re: Recommend a sunscreen formula?

Postby staff » Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:35 pm

If you want to adjust by adding skin nourishment. Or an extract. Can I have it.....if I can. In which step should I add it... and reduce the % of the ingredients
can be added by replacing water
If you want to lighten the skin more can use Warp Cream Maker . Instead of Milk Lotion Maker . Is it possible
because Warp Cream Maker is commonly used in combination with Silicone, so the formula should be filled with light silicone such as Cyclomethicone 10% is used in conjunction with Warp Cream Maker 4-5%, please study how to use. Warp Cream Maker on the product detail page. The recipe must use a blender to mix, can't be stirred by hand.
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