Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถามการผสม argan oil กับ perfect c

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Ask about mixing argan oil and perfect c.

Postby moomoonote » Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:54 am

1 want to mix Argan Oil with perfect c Can the two be mixed directly at room temperature? 2 What active ingredients can be mixed with Argan Oil directly without heat treatment. And do not need a blender (can be mixed with normal stirring at room temperature) 3 Argan Oil that the company sells as cold press ?
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Re: question about blending argan oil

Postby krittin123 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:27 pm

1. It can be mixed because it is soluble in oil 2. I recommend the group วิตามิน E or group Ferulic Acid For example Ethyl Ferulate because it works with วิตามิน C is fine. 3. Ask staff for answers.
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Re: Question about blending argan oil with perfect c

Postby staff » Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:02 pm

Hello 3. Argan Oil Virgin is Cold-Pressed.
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