Cosmetics Formulation Development

คำถามเรื่องการใช้​ 88% AHA(lactic​ acid)​

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Questions about using 88% AHA(lactic acid)

Postby pray3985 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:52 am

Want to mix skin cream, apply on the dry part by using Urea cream + AHA 88% concentration

but not confident about the ratio and safety

If using 20% Urea cream mixed with 88% AHA in a ratio of 9: 1

Is it safe to use every day?

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Re: question about using 88% AHA(lactic acid)​

Postby staff » Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:49 pm


Exfoliation should have a proportion of Lactic Acid , only about 20%, more than this can irritate the skin too much.

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