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I need advice on how to install Oil Fix S.

Postby prem.chunta » Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:47 am

Sunscreen Recipe The defaults used are as follows: Oil-Fix™ S ( water-in-silicone , Silicone Gel ling) ask for the insertion process Oil Fix S in Sunscreen Formula Silicone Composition Mirasil 318 6 OMC (Same INCI) 8 DHHB (Same INCI) 4 BEMT (Same INCI) 3.5 Octocrylene (340 nm Max length) 3 Heat 70C ----- Mixing by Homogenizer Titanium Dioxide 1 5 nm (Liquid) 3 Titanium Dioxide 200 nm 2 " PMMA Booster 3 Phenoxyethanol : DMDM 50:50 % 1 ---- Mixing by Homogenizer Cyclopentasiloxane (Low Odor) 39 BSG-350 ( Cyclopentasiloxane and Dimethicone and Dimethicone /Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer ) 24 Vitamin E 0.5 Oil Fix S 1 (100%) **Want to know? Oil Fix S should be put in step when in order to prevent separation of the yellow liquid What is expected from Phase 1 is สารกันแดด .
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Re: Advice on how to install Oil Fix S

Postby staff » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:59 pm

Hello, this recipe does not contain water, right?
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