Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถามเกี่ยวกับ Phospholipid

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Ask about Phospholipids

Postby rungluk » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:47 pm

Dear team, please inquire as follows: 1. Phospholipid at a rate of 2%, can it be mixed in the eye cream formulation or not? 2. Because Phospholipid acts as Emulsifier I need another water and oil binder for the eye cream formula? Which one should I have and at what rate? Thank you very much.
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Re: Question about Phospholipid

Postby staff » Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:28 pm

1. Phospholipid rate of 2%, can it be mixed in the eye cream formula?
can it be done? * Addition to the original formula may affect Make the recipe thicker*
2. because Phospholipid acts as Emulsifier I need another water and oil binder for the eye cream formula[/quote? ] although it can act as Emulsifier but the synchronization efficiency is not high. If the member's recipe uses little oil. It can be done without any problems by using Gel Maker is used to gel the formula, then use Phospholipid acts as a water-oil- ซิลิโคน , but if the proportion of oil exceeds 5% There may be a long term separation.
3. If you have to, which one should be and at what rate?
2-3% (should not be used at too high a rate. because it will make the meat thick and not worth using)
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