Cosmetics Formulation Development

Sym-White กับ Activated Resorcinol แตกต่างกันอย่างไรบ้างครับ

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What is the difference between Sym-White and Activated Resorcinol?

Postby llerickll » Tue May 14, 2019 11:11 am

Inquire Sym-White Activated Resorcinol 1. Efficacy in reducing melanin. Which one is higher? 2. Sym-White is mixed in the final solution. (but the solution must contain oil) but if it is Activated Resorcinol to completely dissolve in the oil, right?
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Re: What is the difference between Sym-White and Activated Resorcinol?

Postby staff » Sun May 19, 2019 12:01 am

Hello 1. Sym-White is advertised by the developer as being more efficient. So use at a rate of only 0.5% is enough while Activated Resorcinol is recommended at 1.0% level.
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