Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Let's look at the ingredients.

Postby siripornmaneerak » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:46 pm

I want to nourish my skin to be full and look full of water. Which one is new or better, please recommend. Avocado Oil (Refined) 86% Phytosphingosine 1% Pure-Phytosterols™ 2% Octyldodecanol 10 % Alaria Esculenta Extract 1% size 100 ml. Thank you.
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Re: look at the ingredients

Postby siripornmaneerak » Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:48 pm

I don't have an answer I want to buy it
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Re: look at the ingredients

Postby modtanoy21 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:20 pm

Please allow me to comment. From the information provided by the team. - The team may take about 5 - 10 working days to answer the questions. And the team will answer questions in order according to the oldest thread. If the thread is constantly updating information such as posting more messages. The topic will be moved to a new topic - the team has a different time to answer each question. due to the data and complexity of the answer Not every thread can be answered immediately. And some topics need to ask for more information with other teams. To get the most correct answer. Thank you.
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Re: look at the ingredients

Postby staff » Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:40 pm

The formula may be mixed. However, you will need to test it. The problem lies in the solubility. Phytosphingosine and Pure-Phytosterols™ in the formula, which will melted by Octyldodecanol that the member states that it will be used at a rate of 10%, the team itself cannot answer whether 10% is enough or not to dissolve. There is still sediment left. (Use heat to help dissolve about 70 degrees), it is necessary to increase the proportion of Octyldodecanol even more until it is completely dissolved. (Complete thawing means when using heat to help dissolve make clear oil and when left at room temperature It's still as clear as ever. not clouding or sediment) and then add Avocado Oil complete 100% of the formula Alaria Esculenta Extract already looks like oil can be mixed with Avocado Oil
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Re: look at the ingredients

Postby siripornmaneerak » Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:57 pm

Changing to this one will be better, isn't it? Phytosterols Ester Not required Octyldodecanol right?
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Re: look at the ingredients

Postby staff » Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:56 am

Hello Phytosterols Ester is creamy in appearance, if used in cream or lotion formulations, it can be heated and heated to dissolve into the oil of the formula But because of this member's formula desired characteristics should be clear oil which may be able to dissolve Phytosterols Ester until it becomes partially clear oil with a usage rate of 2%. The team thinks that it should be able to dissolve until clear. Members must try it out.
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