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Ask about the solution of Vit C.

Postby rooss1612 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:16 pm

trouble with solving L-ascorbic acid (Ultra-Fine) if dissolved in water. will be able to do it or not (should or shouldn't) or should be dissolved in the best way to maintain the effectiveness of the substance When applied it doesn't feel heavy on the skin. Active Ingredient - Sodium Hyaluronate acid 25% - L-ascorbic acid 15% - Argireline 3% - Vitamin E 0.1% - Ferulic Acid = 0.1% (**Which substance should be increased or decreased? No.) Dissolution by method (Anhydrous) has a method to suggest that the texture of the serum is not heavy. When applied to the skin, it does not leave a greasy feeling. or too heavy to make the serum texture more light Is it easier to absorb? Between Silicone base (Kielh's) and Glycols base (SkinCeuticals) what are the advantages and disadvantages? L-ascorbic acid in water will oxidation and denaturation occur or not? Please advise, thank you.
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Re: Question about the solution of Vitamin C

Postby staff » Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:52 am

Dissolving method (Anhydrous) Is there a way to recommend that the texture of the serum is not heavy? When applied to the skin, it does not leave a greasy feeling. or too heavy to make the serum texture more light Is it easier to absorb? Between Silicone base (Kielh's) and Glycols base (SkinCeuticals), what are the advantages and disadvantages?
silicone base will give softness and lightness more than light glycol. More gooey, but "maybe" can help. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is better absorbed into the skin because glycol can help dissolve Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) partially obtained (the solubility rate was about 5% compared to water is more than 30%), silicone base can prevent oxidation of L-ascorbic acid is better than glycol base due to silicone having water- repellent while glycol can attract water (humectant)
PS. If there is a solution in the formula L-ascorbic acid in water, will it cause oxidation and deterioration
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Re: Question about the solution of Vitamin C

Postby rooss1612 » Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:24 pm

Please ask further questions. in case of thawing L-ascorbic acid with Butylene Glycol and still have crystals of the body. วิตซี is present. There is a recommended method to dissolve so that no crystals remain. วิตซี or should I switch to solvent? วิตซี with 1,2-Hexanediol at 5%, but the formula contains water. In this case, the efficiency of L-ascorbic acid ? PS. I want a serum that is a semi-transparent gel. When applied, it absorbs quickly and is not sticky.
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Re: Question about the solution of Vitamin C

Postby staff » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:44 pm

Hello, some manufacturers There is a melting technology. dissolve more than normal rate, similar to Natural-C Glycol , but the team doesn't know how to do that. Vitamin C does not degrade, but degrades at a slower rate than water solubility. This is because glycol has a humectant nature as previously learned.
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