Make-up Recipes


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Please give me the recipe for making a gel lip tint.

Postby naburana » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:09 am

If you want to make etude gel lip tint, please ask for the formula.
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Re: Recipe for making gel lip tint

Postby staff » Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:58 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce members Type the formula composition (ingredient list) of the liptin that you are asking about on this topic. The web system will automatically create a link to the ingredients. By any ingredient that doesn't create a link automatically, the team will come and help you with advice.
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Re: Recipe for making gel lip tint

Postby kornrawan.k » Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:23 am

Please allow me to advise you. Try to make and adjust the formula. 1.Deionized Water (DI-Water) (Cosmetic) น้ำกลั่น Cosmetics 86.00 % 2. Butylene Glycol 10.00 % 3. Pro Polymer™ (Gel Maker) 0.50 % 4. TreMoisture™ (Trehalose) 1.00 % 5. Flavor Oil 1.00 % 6. สี Dye แบบผงสีละลายในน้ำ 0.50 % 7. Phenoxyethanol (Optiphen) 1.00 % Method 1 .Bring D color ye item 6 dissolve in น้ำกลั่น already 2. Bring the remaining ingredients to mix and add the steps in step 1 to it and heat it with low heat. 3. Stir well and put into a container. The texture is like Etude. You can adjust the gel builder. To make the meat crumbly or liquid, you want to sneeze.
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Re: Recipe for making gel lip tint

Postby nid.544595 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:31 pm

Let me ask, from this formula 1.Deionized Water (DI-Water) (Cosmetic) น้ำกลั่น Cosmetics 86.00 % 2. Butylene Glycol 10.00 % 3 . Pro Polymer™ (Gel Maker) 0.50 % 4. TreMoisture™ (Trehalose) 1.00 % 5. Flavor Oil 1.00 % 6.Water soluble pigment dye 0.50 % 7. Phenoxyethanol (Optiphen) 1.00 % Method 1. Dissolve the dye color in item 6 in น้ำกลั่น and then 2.Bring the remaining ingredients to mix and add the steps in step 1 to it and heat it with low heat. 3. Stir well and put into a container, meaning that the color used is soluble in water. So it's possible that when you eat or drink oil, it's easy to fade away. If we want it to last longer, we need to use Silicone Film which should be Isododecane to dissolve Silicone Film and should contain SiliSolve Plus to help to coordinate the water with ซิลิโคน I don't know if you're right or not, and if you're right, I'd like you to recommend the mix ratio of these three.
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Re: Recipe for making gel lip tint

Postby staff » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:47 pm

If we want it to last longer we need to use Silicone Film which should have Isododecane to dissolve Silicone Film
Silicone Film will be able to help create a matte film texture. For ingredients in the group that dissolve or disperse in oil only, using Silicone Film in the formula. this will not be able to help color which is water soluble Can last longer for this recipe If you want to adjust the formula to be long-lasting, there are 2 options. 1. Use a water-soluble film. to help protect the paint Not easy to fade, for example Polyester Film (Water Resistant, Hard) 2. Change to oil formula (oil- based) which almost every ingredient must be replaced. And the lip will become oil-based instead, which gives a different texture.
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Re: Recipe for making gel lip tint

Postby nid.544595 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:05 pm

thank you
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