Make-up Recipes


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Please consider a powder foundation formula for sensitive skin.

Postby nukp7 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:54 pm

Powder foundation ingredients for sensitive skin are as follows: 1. Zinc Oxide 2. Sericite 3. Rice Powder 4. Cornstarch 5. Allantoin 6. Calcium Carbonate 7. Zinc Stearate I want to know if this formula is ok for people with sensitive skin. Should there be anything more? Or can it be replaced with a better ingredient? Thank you very much.
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Re: Please consider powder foundation formula for sensitive skin.

Postby staff » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:22 am

Hello, the team has information for only the ingredients listed at 1,2,3,5 which these 4 items do not irritate the skin. Can be used on sensitive skin normally.
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