Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Please ask for a way to make the perfume smell in the bar of soap last longer.

Postby glory_fleur » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:31 pm

I want to make a solid bar of soap like parrot soap. 1 If you want to smell. น้ำหอม Long lasting like that, which substance should be used to help? Takes a long time but has a lot of bubbles Which substance do you add? beewax it go down? 3 If using palm oil? The main ingredient is afraid that it will smell rancid. Can you put a deodorant on it?
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Re: Please ask for a way to make the perfume smell in the bar of soap last longer.

Postby staff » Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:33 pm

1 if you want to smell น้ำหอม Long lasting like that, which substance should I use?
Try it Last Fix including the selection of น้ำหอม that lasts for a long time
2 I want the soap texture to be solid, can be used for a long time, but there are a lot of bubbles. Which substance do you add? beewax can it go down?[/quote ] Sorry, the team doesn't have expertise in bar soap making.
3 If using palm oil as the main ingredient, fear that it will smell rancid. Can I add deodorant
for rancidity problems in any formula? Recommended study team Protec™ OX , if the product must be in an environment that is frequently exposed to sunlight, you can use Protec™ UV and Protec™ SQ join but for bar soap, the team thinks Protec™ OX alone is enough.
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