Cosmetics Products Analysis


sharing your analysis of cosmetics products on the market

Please analyze the serum formula for clear skin.

Postby nopyeol » Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:49 pm

Want to make a serum for clear skin? It contains the following ingredients: - Rose Water 72% - Alpha Arbutin 2% - Tranexamic Acid 3% - Vitamin B3 5% - Gluco Bright 5% - Plankton GP4G 3 % - Witch Hazel 5% - Hi-EGCG 5% Can this formula be used or not? So how is it mixed?
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Re: Interference analysis of serum formula for clear skin

Postby staff » Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:51 pm

Hello, the formula can be mixed together. All ingredients are directly soluble in water, members can add all items to Rose Water Blended or gently stirred to dissolve together. The team is unable to advise on skin suitability. Because there is no information about the skin characteristics of the users of this formula. But you can mix them together, no problem.
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