Cosmetics Formulation Development

Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye)

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Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye)

Postby ditthawat » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:57 am

Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye) This is for use with humidifiers. Can I get maca extract? สารกันเสีย use NaturePreserve ?
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Re: Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye)

Postby staff » Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:14 pm

Hello, the team has no information about such extracts. therefore unable to answer that Will it be compatible? Formula to combine/build meat from Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye) can use สารกันเสีย NaturePreserve™ , the pH of the formula must be in the range of 3-6.
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Re: Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye)

Postby ditthawat » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:57 am

character NaturePreserve used together with Silky Serum Base or Soy Lecithin right? The ratio is about 1% then the nature preserve with Mild Preserve Eco nomic ( Ethylhexylglycerin ) are used differently. wait Which one is considered safer? Finally, when requesting the FDA, does the company provide documentation for the ingredients breakdown? disturb me
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Re: Silky Serum Base (Face/Eye)

Postby staff » Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:19 am

NaturePreserve used in conjunction with Silky Serum Base or Soy Lecithin right? The ratio is about 1%
. There is only a limitation. The formula must have a pH in the range of 3-6. If the formula has a pH in that range, it can be used
. nature preserve with Mild Preserve Eco nomic ( Ethylhexylglycerin ) is it different? Which one is considered safer?
What is the meaning of security that the members mentioned? Because safety has many aspects, if it means safety for physical health for สารกันเสีย which FDA approved for use in cosmetic formulas It has been tested until it is accepted that the FDA in each country is allowed to use it. (At the specified rate) if it means safety from allergy to all ingredients, not just สารกันเสีย can cause allergies. which is specific to each individual does not contain any ingredients Is it more or less risky than other ingredients? Allergy is an individual matter. Likewise, there are people who are allergic to rice, nut allergies, and starch allergies, which are not harmful to the body. If it means safety from irritation. Mild Preserved Eco was developed. to emphasize not to irritate the skin So there will be less chance of irritation. สารกันเสีย , other types including สารกันเสีย from nature as well
Lastly, when requesting FDA, the company has Is there a documentation for ingredients breakdown?
Members can request such documents from Customer Relations
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