Cosmetics Formulation Development

Oil Soap เปลี่ยนสี

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Oil Soap change color

Postby puttimon.s » Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:08 pm

1. Shower oil changes color Follow the recipe and find that the shower oil gradually changes from yellow to orange-pink. Oil Soap = 20% น้ำมันธรรมชาติ * = 76% Oil Blender = 4% * น้ำมันธรรมชาติ tried Uses include Grape Seed Oil , Rice bran, Virgin coconut, Avocado, Olive are all pink-orange, Coconut is the reddest. I don't know what to do 2. Want to thicken without using heat. I don't know what to use.
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Re: Oil Soap change color

Postby staff » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:29 pm

Hello, the study team asked 1. In the mixing process Is there heat used? if using heat What level of heat do you use? 2. Does the formula have a stratification? or get along well It's just a color problem.
2. want to thicken without using heat I don't know what to use
To create gel textures for oil bases Options สารสร้างเนื้อเจล in case heat is not required. There is only one Oil-Fix by adding in any oil Then keep spinning. Until completely dissolved to get a clear texture. Usage rate Oil-Fix will be about 2-5% depending on the desired viscosity level.
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