Cosmetics Formulation Development

challenge test

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challenge test

Postby kwatthana8n » Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:01 am

To do the challenge test 1) Where and how? 2) Is there a manual method/kit? 3) If using สารกันเสีย challenge test eg Mild Preserved Eco , Thyme Kill is enough to validate the result without having to do another challenge test?
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Re: challenge test

Postby staff » Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:38 pm

Hello, I recommend you to contact the Department of Medical Sciences, one stop service unit in Nonthaburi. You can do it yourself. For those who have basics in this field. For those who do not have basics in this field. recommended for testing The cost is not much higher than doing it yourself. If members inform the composition of the formula in detail. The team will be able to help assess that สารกันเสีย in any quantity which can กันเสีย in the above formula completely. without having to worry about doing the challenge test
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Re: challenge test

Postby kwatthana8n » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:07 am

thank you very much It is expected that only Mild Preserved Eco 1% + Thyme Kill 0.05% I'll let you know the composition of the formula again. Usually put this Mild Preserved Eco 1% + Thyme Kill 0.05% Should it be covered? and the average age If you put this estimate Approximately how long will it be stored? Maybe 2-3 years?
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Re: challenge test

Postby staff » Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:02 pm

Usually just wear this. Mild Preserved Eco 1% + Thyme Kill 0.05% Should it be covered? and the average age If you put this estimate Approximately how long will it be stored? Can it take 2-3 years
if the mixing process is clean with the use of heat in the mixing process? The only remaining variable is the composition of the formula. or formulas contain highly contaminated ingredients (Almost all ingredients contaminated Most of these ingredients are natural ingredients. สารสกัดจากธรรมชาติ Natural proteins If your member's recipe contains a lot of these ingredients. Infection control will be more difficult. That's why the team couldn't give a clear answer. whether that is enough or not Even if the member informs the composition of the formula The team can only speculate from experience.
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Re: challenge test

Postby kwatthana8n » Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:59 pm

1. Adding a penetration enchanter like Phospholipid is it necessary to reduce the active ingredients? If so, how many % should be reduced? 2. Poloxamer 407 soluble information But try to put it with plain water. The coagulation is not dissolved, what should I do?
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Re: challenge test

Postby staff » Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:36 pm

1. Adding a penetration enchanter like Phospholipid is it necessary to reduce the active ingredients as well? If how many %
should be reduced? It's not necessary, but if you want to reduce can be reduced Brands that produce products for large markets tend to use penetration enhancer saves on formula costs as active ingredients can be absorbed into the skin better. It makes it possible to reduce the rate of use. while still having the same efficiency as before
2. Poloxamer 407 soluble information But try to put it with plain water. Push to coagulate, not dissolve. What should I do?
Warm the water at 70-80 degrees and while spinning, slowly sprinkle Poloxamer 407 on the water surface.
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