Fragrance Formulation Development

Sexy Chocolate vs. Chocolate Flavor

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Sexy Chocolate vs. Chocolate Flavor

Postby coldplay299 » Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:36 am

To select น้ำหอม into soap base กลีเซอรีน Turbid for body soap Chocolate milk flavor will choose Sexy Chocolate or Chocolate flavor Flavor is better? If you want it to smell, stick with it after use.
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Re: Sexy Chocolate vs. Chocolate Flavor

Postby staff » Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:20 pm

Hello Chocolate Flavor gives a light aroma due to its emphasis on flavoring. in lip products Sexy Chocolate is น้ำหอม Suitable for use in formulas that want to smell good on the skin. Members' formulas should choose to use it. Sexy Chocolate
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