Cosmetics Products Analysis

สอบถาม Dimethyl Isosorbide

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Ask Dimethyl Isosorbide

Postby kookkaiiip » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:45 pm

Dimethyl Isosorbide help นำพาสาร into the skin. This substance will help reduce the sticky surface after applying. right? because when absorbed into the skin The stiffness is likely to be reduced. Do you understand? or should be used as a substance Water Soft to reduce the thickness. It is direct of the product, water base characteristics, water formula.
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Re: Ask Dimethyl Isosorbide

Postby staff » Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:57 pm

Hello, may not be able to help directly. absorption of ingredients I won't feel it by touch though Dimethyl Isosorbide itself has a dry, light texture. which when put in any formula It will help the formula to have a more dry and light texture. The problem of sticky and sticky skin can be solved directly by using a group of ingredients. emollient or silicone to help, please check the ingredients in the category ปรับผิวสัมผัส
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