Haircare Recipes


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hair straightening test formula

Postby surachartp » Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:58 pm

I would like to know the budget for making the hair straightener test kit 1,990 baht, the material cost 1,390 baht, the FDA service fee, are there any other fees? I can't fill out the form. KeraStraight 1. BTAC 3% 2. Ceteraryl Alcohol 6% 3. Silicone Hi-Cond 1% 4. Vitamin B5 1% 5. Poly-Conditioner Eco 1% 6. KeraStraight™ 20% 7. Mild Preserved Eco 1% 8. Water the rest to 100%
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Re: hair straightener test formula

Postby staff » Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:16 am

Hello, I'm sorry. The cost calculation must be submitted via the system only No another channel
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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