Cosmetics Products Analysis

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Vitamin C Derivatives Which one is the best?

Postby rooss1612 » Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:42 pm

Interfering with derivative inquiries วิตามินซี which is the best? The most stable if it is in the form of a serum. วิตซี and packing serum วิตามินซี packaged in a tea-colored glass bottle (clear green). วิตามินซี will be able to hold up well compared to opaque packaging?
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Re: Vitamin C derivatives Which one is the best?

Postby modtanoy21 » Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:49 am

Please allow me to comment. - Derivative วิตามินซี with high stability are 1. Ethyl Ascorbic acid 2. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) - The same is dissolved. Water, highly stable, easy to mix, moderately effective in terms of brightening ( whitening ) - The difference is the pH value of the formula by Ethyl Ascorbic acid The pH of the formula must be in the range of 3.5-6.0 and Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) The pH of the formula must be in the 7-9 range - Normal วิตามินซี is ideal for a serum formula. Here, let's see if there is a need for the formula to have a PH value in the range. will choose to use วิตามินซี as your desired purpose is easier - วิตามินซี should be packaged in completely opaque packaging. No light can damage the quality. วิตามินซี because วิตามินซี is a light sensitive substance. Can't stand it in light conditions - recommend using Protec™ OX and Protec™ UV in the formula to help protect Vitamin C from deteriorationby Protec™ OX will prevent Vitamin C from oxidation and Protec™ UV will protect Vitamin C from Light to slow down the quality loss or color change. Thank you.
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Re: Vitamin C derivatives Which one is the best?

Postby rooss1612 » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:49 pm

Thank you very much for the advice. Please ask for more information. Between Amitose GOA and Ascomate-C is better quality and more stable? And how are these two outfits different?
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Re: Vitamin C derivatives Which one is the best?

Postby staff » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:57 pm

Hello, no วิตามินซี or its derivative Vitamin C which is the best, all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses
between Amitose GOA and Ascomate-C better quality and more stable?[/quote: 171teq3m] Currently, both substances have a narrow field of research, all of which have been produced by their respective manufacturers. not research Without independent research, research is done within the company of the substance's manufacturer, so it's not possible to answer how good or bad it is until there is research done by an agency or institution or researcher that doesn't have it. connection or not paid from the producers of these two substances, including published in the publication that has been accepted
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