Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Postby batblast41 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:29 pm

Flavor Smell only or taste too? will be put in the electronic cigarette liquid Or do I have to add sweet/sour additives myself? Vegetable ingredients glycerin 80% Propylene Glycol 10% Flavor . 10% If you want to add coolness, you can use CoolTouch™ / Lip Cool™ is it possible?
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Re: Flavor

Postby staff » Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:44 am

Hello Flavor Only smell, no taste, if you want sweet/sour taste. Sugar/grade must be added (e.g. Citric Acid )
if you want For cooling, you can use CoolTouch™ / Lip Cool™ right?
If you use it with mouth, please use it. Lip Cool™ CoolTouch™ is for skin use only.
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