Cosmetics Formulation Development


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inquire about serum

Postby naburana » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:51 pm

want to make serum Clear meat (light pink) can you add the following ingredients? Double Hyaluron Liquid 2% Pro Polymer™ (Gel Maker) 1% Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus) 1% Rose Extract 1% Seaweed extract 1% White Tea Extract 1% Grapes extract 1% Ginseng Extract 1% Blackberry extract o.3 % AHA (Alpha Hydroxy A cid) 0.3% Vitamin E 0.03% Red Powder‎ (CI16255, CI14720) (Water-Soluble) 0.01% The rest is water, thank you.
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Re: question about serum

Postby staff » Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:58 pm

Hello, due to the composition of many formulas The team has no information. So I can't answer whether it can be mixed together or not. Therefore, we recommend only the ingredients that the team has information about. Double Hyaluron Liquid 2% Pro Polymer™ (Gel Maker) 1% Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus) 1% glycolic acid 0.3% Vitamin E 0.03% Red Powder‎ (CI16255, CI14720) (Water-Soluble) 0.01%, the rest is water. If a formula like this can be mixed together The team is unable to comment on the suitability of the ingredients for the user's skin. Because there is no information on the skin of the users of this formula. If you want to recommend Please inform your skin type / skin problems / expectations from the formula.
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