Cosmetics Formulation Development

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Need help and get help on cosmetics formulation development

Feel free to analyze the serum formula.

Postby marut_suk » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:56 pm

Disturbing the team to help analyze the serum formula for me. **Requirements are : Want to have white and bright skin, full of water, suitable for all skin types. 1. Water 85.9% 2. B5 1.5 % 3. B3 5% 4. Gluco Bright 5% 5. Hyaluronic Acid 0.3 % 6. PG 1% 7. กลีเซอรีน 0.3% 8. Glydant 1% preliminary tried to mix. The serum is still more viscous than desired. I want to touch more water but still retaining moisture to the skin Should I reduce and increase which one? And the other part is that the serum looks dissolved and is not homogeneous. There is still a gelatinous ball caused by Hya, is there a way to recommend it? If there are any additional substances that are recommended. that will add more radiance Please suggest.
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Re: Please help me analyze serum formula.

Postby staff » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:32 am

Hello, the team is not sure why the ingredients of the members. which does not contain any ingredients Serves to create a gel texture. As a result, the meat becomes viscous that exceeds the need for it. The team is not sure Hyaluronic Acid that members use and says that it causes gel texture as Hyaluronic Acid of any kind because the team checks the order history. Can't find that the member has ordered. Hyaluronic Acid for ingredients that brighten Can be found from the ingredients group whitening (click on the word whitening
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