Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Please check the serum formula.

Postby rungluk » Tue Mar 27, 2018 11:29 pm

DI Water . 85.9 Rose extract. 5.0 Safe-B3 ™ ( Vitamin B3, Niacinamide ). 5. 0 Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) . 1.0 Quick-Coll® . 2.0 Hyaluronic Acid (Standard Molecule). 0.3 Hyaluronic Acid (Small Molecule). 0.3 Phenoxyethanol (Optiphen) . plant Can it be mixed together? Quick-Coll® . Final mix after mixing everything, right? Thank you very much.
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Re: Please check serum formula

Postby staff » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:15 pm

Hello, because there are some ingredients in the recipe. that the team has no information therefore unable to answer Therefore, I would like to ask permission to answer only in the part where the team has information. by adding other ingredients besides this Members must check whether the ingredients are compatible or not. You can inquire directly from the manufacturer or supplier. DI Water . 85.9 Safe-B3 ™ ( Vitamin B3, Niacinamide ). 5.0 Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) . 1.0 Quick-Coll® . 2.0 Hyaluronic Acid (Standard Molecule). 0.3 Hyaluronic Acid (Small Molecule). 0.3 Phenoxyethanol (Optiphen) . 0.5 - This formula, the ingredients are compatible. But there is no substance that will act as a water-oil binder together because Vitamin E is Oil - Using Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) on a scale of 1% is considered too high. and will cause greasy skin Recommended usage rate 0.1% or if very dry skin may use 0.5% but should not exceed this. - The team can not give advice on the suitability of the formula due to lack of information on skin characteristics, skin problems and expect from the formula of members Therefore, it is only recommended to adjust the formula to be able to mix together. DI Water . The rest to complete 100 % Safe-B3 ™ ( Vitamin B3, Niacinamide ). 5.0 Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) . 0.1% Quick-Coll® . 2.0 Double Hyaluron Liquid 5% (instead of Hyaluronic Acid which looks like powder and harder to mix) Mild Preserved Eco 1% (Changed from Phenoxyethanol (Optiphen) ) Light Cream Maker 1.5% serves to coordinate the recipe, create a creamy texture. mix: let mix Light Cream Maker and Vitamin E together, separated into oil part, mix all other items together, separated into water part. gradually add water Into the oil a little, stir well. and then add more water and people get along Do this until you can mix everything together. You will get cream.
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Re: Please check serum formula

Postby rungluk » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:03 pm

Mild Preserved Eco™ (Ethylhexylglycerin) . Can I use another one instead? Because right now the company doesn't have any products in stock.
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