Fragrance Formulation Development


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Inquire about making perfume oil.

Postby » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:28 pm

I would like to ask if I bought หัวน้ำหอม as หัวน้ำหอม general smell 25 CC, then mix another 25 CC of oil and shake it together, the color will be cloudy but leave it for a while, it will come back to clear as before, but oil with หัวน้ำหอม separate layers like the attached picture Squalane Oil 100% Yes ) I want to know 1. Why หัวน้ำหอม mixed with oil and separate layers? 2. Or do I have to put a blender or something?
รูปนี้เหมือนออยจะอยู่ด้านล่างนะครับ เพราะน้ำหอมเป็นสีออกเหลืองอ่อนๆ
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Re: Question about making oil perfume

Postby staff » Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:09 pm

Hello น้ำหอม แอลกอฮอลล์ and oil cannot be directly compatible. Oil Blender 3%, but because the team does not know details น้ำหอม of members that in น้ำหอม What components does this น้ำหอม contain? therefore unable to give a clear answer whether they are compatible or not, but usually Oil Blender will be able to help you coordinate.
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Re: Question about making oil perfume

Postby » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:55 pm

thank you very much
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Re: Question about making oil perfume

Postby staff » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:24 am

Hello, the team asked for more information. What is the reason why members use Squalane Oil added. In น้ำหอม if the purpose To want to nourish the skin with The most probable one without any binder is Fractionated Coconut Oil because it has solubility น้ำหอม is fine.
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