Cosmetics Formulation Development

Deodorant Spray

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Deodorant Spray

Postby n.ditthacharoen » Sun Apr 08, 2018 1:45 pm

Please look at Deo spray formula. Need a formula that feels dry and comfortable. ลดกลิ่นกาย reduces sweat, does not clog pores. Reduce chicken skin and make your armpits white. Is this formula appropriate? 1. Anti-Sweat 20% 2. SmellSorb 2% 3. Dimethicone 30% 4. LipidSoft Deo 3% 5. SiliSolve Plus 1% 6. Rhamnose 3% 7. Allantoin 0.2% 8. Natural Betaine 2% 9. Self- B3 4% 10. GlucoBright 4% 11. Orange Flower Extract 1.5% 12. Phenoxyethanol SA 1% 13. Flora Solve Clear 3% Please help check Please let me know if all the substances can be mixed together or not. And the amount used is appropriate or need to adjust any special and if you want to take a note for request FDA for selling this formula is suitable or not, thank you.
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Re: Deodorant Spray

Postby staff » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:52 pm

Hello, the formula is not 100% complete. Please inform the formula that is 100% complete.
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