Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Please analyze the formula for washing your face with soap.

Postby rattjiporn.pat » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:42 pm

I have tried one brand of soap and it's very good. Helps to whiten and reduce acne So I want to try making it myself. So I want to bother you to see how much each ingredient should be used. or suggest adjusting the recipe for me Sensitive skin, acne prone, combination skin DI Water Chamomile AHA glycerin e Sodium PCA D- Panthenol Vitamin C Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract Botanical Na-Hyaluronate Centella Salix Alba Bark extract Please help me. Thank you very much.
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Re: Please analyze the formula for facial cleansing soap.

Postby staff » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:52 am

Hello, facial cleansing formula does not need to add any skin care ingredients. Because the ingredients will be washed away immediately. To use any skin care ingredient in the formula Please select a specific item that can adhere to the skin even after being washed off by water. with cationic characteristics such as WaterLock or any of the ingredients in the category Skin Conditioning All skin care ingredients as selected by members. Can not stick to the skin When washed from the skin, it will be ineffective in a short time.
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