Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Check out the face cream as well.

Postby leonalfranze » Thu May 03, 2018 3:27 pm

Oil 22%: Rose Hip Oil 10% Argan Oil 4% perfect c 8% Water 78% : Water 61% + Disodium EDTA 0.2% Repair Activator 10% Hydrolyzed Silk Protein ( Sericin , Powder) 2% glycerin 5% Satin Cream Maker 1% กันเสีย 0.5% My skin is normal. Good, not too dry, not too oily, no acne, want to get whiter skin and ลดริ้วรอย a little 1. Does this formula have any recommendations or need to be careful with anything else? 2. If using น้ำกลั่น do not need to add Disodium EDTA ? Yes, or add it to ensure confidence. 3. If done, do I have to store it in a tube to prevent it? Now I just have a normal jar of cream. I'm afraid วิตามินซี Deterioration due to poor storage 4. I can add Essential Oil to add scent, for example Chamomile Essential Oil , Lavender Essential Oil or helichrysum Essential Oil I'm afraid there is a problem with Vitamin C Thank you very much.
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Re: Checking the face cream please

Postby staff » Fri May 11, 2018 8:01 pm

Hello, the study team recommends 1. Reduce the proportion of oil to some extent. If normal skin does not need to use oil at a high rate. recommend to reduce Perfect-C to 3-5% , Rose Hip Oil to 5-7%, the total oil level is about 15-18%. Satin Cream Maker is at least 1.5% because there is Small amount of oil in the recipe, using Satin Cream Maker Too little, there is a chance of poor coordination and a separation of oil layers.
2. If using น้ำกลั่น do not add Disodium EDTA or just add it for confidence
if you don't get stuck. It's better to fill it
3. If done, do I have to keep it in a tube to prevent it? Now I just have a normal jar of cream. I'm afraid วิตามินซี Alzheimer's Because it's not good to keep
if it's for sale. would have to consider the packaging as well but if you mix it to try it yourself Can be packed in any way because it is not stored for a long time
4. I can add Essential Oil to add scent, for example Chamomile Essential Oil , Lavender Essential Oil or helichrysum Essential Oil I'm afraid there is a problem with Vitamin C
can be added. no problem with Vitamin C but Essential Oil , some types can irritate the skin, be careful, it should be used sparingly ( 0.1-0.5%)
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Re: Checking the face cream please

Postby leonalfranze » Thu May 17, 2018 9:01 am

thank you very much
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