Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Can you recommend me some cream mixes?

Postby buaploy79 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:35 pm

Please let me know how to mix the cream and check the formula for me. Ingredients Retinal (Retinaldehyde) 0.05% Vitamin E (tocophery acetate) 0.5% Tranexamic Acid 3% Natto Gum 5% Soft Cream Maker 3% สารกันเสีย 1% น้ำกลั่น 87.45
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Re: Recommend me some cream mixes

Postby staff » Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:45 pm

Hello, the formula can be mixed. Mixing process To mix the water together, mix the oil together. With a heat of about 70 degrees will melt together. then take part of the water to be heated to a similar temperature and then churn the portion of water continuously. Then add the prepared oil into the water. blend well You will get cream. The resulting cream will be liquid. When left for about 6-12 hours, the cream will set. and thicken by itself
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