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ส่วนผสมทำ Pomade มีจุดหลอมเหลวต่างกัน จะต้มยังไง

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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby staff » Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:52 pm

Hello, if there is no wax in the formula, try it at 5-7%. If there are other wax in the formula, you may use Hydrogenated Castor Oil Please add 2-3% Hydrogenated Castor Oil has a relatively high melting point of about 85 degrees or more in the process. blending will require high heat at this level. to completely dissolve By allowing it to dissolve with other oils in the formula.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:25 pm

Hello, I am interested in bringing Xanthan Gum used in pomade (100% natural formula) to increase viscosity I'm interested in this one because it's natural and I want to use it with it. Lanolin / castor oil (I understand that these ingredients can also give viscosity) the pomade component contains water, Beeswax , castor oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil , Lanolin , shea butter , Jojoba Oil , Sweet Almond Oil , Vitamin E , สารกันเสีย and emulsifier - My pomade is formulated with wax + oil + water can use Xanthan Gum Can you join? - In the specified method. Compared to hair formulas that contain both water and oil. equal to enter Xanthan Gum in oil No Do you put it in water? - If you use more than 1%, will it be dangerous? Or just so viscous that it can't be used - understand that when mixed with oil The oil will be very thick like a gel. Then I will mix the water as usual, will it be compatible? - I'm interested in using Soy Lecithin is also my emulsifier. It's not likely to work with my formula. I would like to know if there are any components that cannot be used together. In case I can adjust it because my emulsifier is not natural now. Thank you.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby staff » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:26 am

- My pomade is formulated with wax + oil + water, can use Xanthan Gum can join?
can be done by mixing Xanthan Gum with water which will Make the water become a gel. However, the team can only answer that it can be done and can be mixed, but appropriate. and the resulting formula Members must test to see if Did you get the product appearance in the way you want?
- in the specified method Compared to hair formulas that contain both water and oil. equal to enter Xanthan Gum in oil No Do you put it in water? - If you use more than 1%, will it be dangerous? Or just so viscous that it can't be used - understand that when mixed with oil The oil will be very thick like a gel. Then I will mix the water as usual, will it be compatible?
No Xanthan Gum can only dissolve in water. Members must blend with water. which will get water gel Then, the resulting gel is then mixed with other parts of the formula. Using above 1% will get a thicker gel texture. and may not be suitable for use
- I am interested in using Soy Lecithin Become my emulsifier as well, but previously admin suggested that It's not likely to work with my formula. I would like to know if there are any components that are incompatible with each other. In case I can adjust it because my emulsifier is not right now. natural
Soy Lecithin can be synchronized. Yes, in case the water portion is very small. For example, there is only 10-20% water in the formula. In addition, the stability will not be comparable to synthetic emulsifier. In the long run, the formula may be stratified. If a member wishes to use it in the formula Please test to make sure there is no stratification. before the release
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:27 pm

Hello - shea butter The shop's shea butter (Refined) has a harder texture. Shea Butter (Ultra Soft) Yes Is that right? - As for น้ำมันมะพร้าว Normal I use Fractionated Coconut Oil would like to know if there is a solid model for sale (solid or in the same way as shea butter (Refined) - Among the butter available at the shop. I don't know which one is the hardest. shea butter (Refined) / Mango Butter (Deodorized) / Sal Butter (Refined) / Cocoa Butter (Deodorized - deodorant)
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby staff » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:14 am

- shea butter The store's shea butter (Refined) has a harder texture. Shea Butter (Ultra Soft) Yes
Is it
- The น้ำมันมะพร้าว I usually use Fractionated Coconut Oil would like to know if there is a solid one for sale? (solid or in the same way as shea butter (Refined)
No, I'm sorry
- among the butter at the shop. sell I don't know which one is the hardest. shea butter (Refined) / Mango Butter (Deodorized) / Sal Butter (Refined) / Cocoa Butter (Deodorized - deodorant)
from the senses. With a touch, the team thought Cocoa Butter has the hardest texture. will not be aware of that hardness Because it must be completely dissolved and blended into the formula. will be able to recognize the hardness again Is the appearance of the coating on the surface of the Butter, if it is a Butter that has a hard texture. It can be coated in a harder way. But it may not be easy to sense or feel If not used in high quantities in the formula.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:44 pm

Ask for advice on how to use Kaolin Clay in the recipe. The proportions added in the formula must be calculated as a % weight like other ingredients, for example 50% water. / 30% oil / 10% wax / 10% clay or a mixture like clay can be mixed in water until the desired texture is obtained. Any amount you want, don't have to combine weight with other ingredients.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:19 pm

I wanted to create a pomade with a buttery texture, i.e. my skin was dry, but when I scooped it up on my palm and crushed it, it melted. But every time I make it out, it has a chewy gum-like texture, I'd like some advice. I don't know if it's about the emulsifier used or not. It has the following components - distilled water - Natural White Beeswax - Candelilla Wax (Refined) - Emusify Wax NF - PEG8 Wax Cream Maker™ - shea butter (Refined) - Lanolin Natural - Castor Oil - Jojoba Oil (Golden - Extra Fine - Deodorized) - Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) - Sweet Almond Oil (Refined) - Grape Seed Oil (Refined) - Fractionated Coconut Oil it will be สารกันเสีย Odor - I just added PEG8. into my latest recipe But the meat hasn't changed from the original. and when crushed on the palm At first it will be oily and slippery but after a while it will be very dry and viscous. And there is a wax mark on the hand In this part, I try to reduce the wax and add oil by 1%. I don't know if this will solve the problem on the spot or not. - How can I get a different pomade texture? I guess it's because of the emulsifier because it's the one that I've never switched out of the formula. - The Ewax I use is a natural emulsifier bought from another store. If Myskin has a natural or vegan base emulion on sale, please advise.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby staff » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:25 pm

Hello. 1. Please tell me the proportion (%) of the ingredients in the formula. 2. Please inform the ingredient list and picture of the product sample mentioned here. "Cheese-like texture, dry skin, but when picked up. On the palm and crushed, it dissolves. It can be used normally.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:51 pm

I'm not comfortable proportioning components on the web board. But send them all via email already. It's a bit hard to look at I can't find the type that has been taken out. The second picture is mine. The list of components of the sample is as follows. Not sorted by the label next to the jar - Water - Candelilla Wax - Bees Wax - Castor Wax (specify both Castor Wax and Hydro Castor Oil, I understand it's the same. I don't know if I got it right - Hydrogenated Castor Oil - shea butter - Grape Seed Oil - Jojoba Oil - Castor Oil - Coconut Oil - Olive Oil - Sunflower Seed Oil - Soy Bean Oil - Sweet Almond Oil - Argon Oil - Vitamin E - Sunflower Lecithin - Emulsify Wax - stearic acid - Preservative - Fragrance I just want the same texture. As for the hold, the gloss, I'm quite perfect.
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Re: Pomade ingredients have different melting points, how to boil them?

Postby urachaitpbs » Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:54 pm

Picture 1 is the desired example. It's a bit hard to look at I can't find the cutout one. The second picture is mine
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