Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Analyze the formula of the cream to treat dark spots from acne and make your skin white.

Postby kissziza » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:45 am

Hello, I would like to ask you to analyze the formula for me. Try to study and like the ingredients you have chosen. Want to know if you can mix it? I want to recommend. which ingredients should be cut out or which ingredients should be added. for more efficiency The user is a normal skinned person with a little oily skin. I'm 26 years old. I'm a sensitive person. What do you use to have acne breakouts? Facial skin lacks nourishment. because I don't use sunscreen at all. I want to try mixing the cream myself. Thank you in advance 1. Allantoin 0.5% water 2. Willow Bark Extract (Natural Salicylic Acid) 10% 3. WhiteCumin™ 2x ( สารสกัดขมิ้น ) 3% 4. Safe-B3 ™ ( Vitamin B3, Niacinamide ) 4% 5. GlucoBright™ ( Acetyl glucosamine ) 4% 6. Aloe Vera Extract (อัตราสกัด 10:1 FullAssay™) 3% 7. Papaya Enzyme (Papain) 1% 8. Pro Polymer™ (Gel Maker) 1% 9. Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus) 1% should include สารนำพา ? PE-1 Aqua 1% and the substance WaterLock™ 1% Residual water ( น้ำกลั่น )
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Re: Analysis of cream formula to treat dark spots from acne and whiten skin

Postby staff » Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:31 pm

The team can't say if any of these ingredients will cause an allergic reaction. no Because allergies are specific to each individual. But the team can recommend cutting ingredients that have a chance to irritate the skin, please reduce Willow Bark Extract to less than 5% and cut Papaya Enzyme out of the formula, please reduce Aloe Vera Extract (อัตราสกัด 10:1 FullAssay™) down due to oily skin. It is recommended to use only 1% WaterLock™ Not necessary for oily skin. สารนำพา Recommend Phospholipid 3% PE-1 Aqua Cannot be used in this formula. Due to the formula composition, there are oil-soluble groups. which cannot be used in conjunction with PE-1 Aqua
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Re: Analysis of cream formula to treat dark spots from acne and whiten skin

Postby kissziza » Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:41 am

Hello, I don't know สารนำพา Phospholipid ( Hydrogenated Lecithin ) Do I have to use a blender? *To allow Phospholipid Efficiency It must be blended in the formula at a minimum speed. 1000 rpm For a period of at least 15 minutes*  I do not have a blender. In the recipe, the mixing method is used by hand. Should I cut it out?
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Re: Analysis of cream formula to treat dark spots from acne and whiten skin

Postby staff » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:36 am

Hello, please cut it.
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