Cosmetics Products Analysis

ปัญหาจากการใช้ Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

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problems from using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby ezarian11 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:55 pm

Hello, I make massage cream according to the formula below. There was no problem at first. But after a month It appears that the problem is 1. The viscosity of the cream is reduced from the previous 2. After adding Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus) The meat is more liquid like water. So I want the team to help see if the formula has a problem or Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus) is it a liquid? Distill Water 84.3% Cetyl Alcohol 2% BTAC 5% CTAC (30%) 1% Propylene Glycol 5% " Hydro Protein (Soy, Oat, Wheat, Maize Protein) 1% 7. Phenoxyethanol SA 1% Biotin Express™ 0.5% Allantoin 0.2%
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Re: Problems with using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby ezarian11 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:59 pm

Update. I just tried to put in the following. It appears that Phenoxyethanol SA ( Optiphen Plus makes the cream liquid like water. I don't know how to fix it or use it instead. Distill Water 84.3% Cetyl Alcohol 2% BTAC 5% CTAC (30%) 1% Propylene Glycol 5% Cool and add. Phenoxyethanol SA 1%
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Re: Problems with using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby staff » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:42 am

Hello, please change the steps. Please bring Phenoxyethanol SA dissolve with water until clear Since the first step Then gradually mix in the same step in the rest.
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Re: Problems with using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby ezarian11 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:25 pm

Hello, I tried and still not working. Is there any other way?
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Re: Problems with using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby ezarian11 » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:19 pm

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Re: Problems with using Phenoxyethanol SA (Optiphen Plus)

Postby staff » Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:47 am

Hello, can you do it?
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