Fragrance Formulation Development

ผสม oil กับกลิ่นหอม

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Mix the oil with the fragrance.

Postby bow_as_mk » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:36 am

I want to ask if want to mix น้ำหอม with skin care oil like Avocado Oil (Refined) can it be mixed? Is this the type of oil that has a rancid smell? And if you mix it like oil, 120 ml., you have to add น้ำหอม , how much? Thank you.
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Re: Mixing oil and fragrance

Postby staff » Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:47 am

Hello น้ำหอม and oil can be mixed together.
Is this a rancid oil?
น้ำมันธรรมชาติ can be rancid. Members may consider adding These ingredients (Choose one) to help slow down or reduce the chance of rancidity: 1. Vitamin E ( Tocopheryl Acetate ) can help protect the ingredients. from deterioration Due to the oxidation process (free radicals) advantages: the substance ( Vitamin E ) itself has longevity. Bad: Performance is lower than other types 2. Vitamin E ( dl-alpha tocopherol ) can help protect the ingredients. from deterioration Due to the oxidation process (free radicals) advantages: the substance ( Vitamin E ) itself is shorter. Other types Disadvantages: Moderate performance, higher than Vitamin E type Tocopheryl Acetate 3. Rosemary Oleoresin Extract can help protect the ingredients. from deterioration due to oxidation (free radical) process. Advantages: high efficiencyespecially when used in conjunction with Vitamin E Cons: dark color, smell, high price 4. Protec™ OX can help. protect ingredients from deterioration Due to the process of oxidation (free radicals) Pros: Most effective Disadvantages: It is a synthetic chemical. (Not caused by nature like 1,2,3) 5. Protec™ UV can help protect ingredients From deterioration due to UV light Pros: Most effective Cons: Chemically synthetic 6. Protec™ SQ can help protect ingredients. It acts as a Singlet state quencher, reducing oxidation in the formulation. Advantages: good efficiency. Disadvantages: dark yellow color.
And if you mix it like 120 ml of oil, you need to add น้ำหอม , how much, thank you[ /quote] depending on the strength of the fragrance you want
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