Cosmetics Products Analysis


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The texture of the product is very sticky on the skin.

Postby kookkaiiip » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:44 pm

want to make a slap It looks like a liquid, nourishes the skin, but when it is absorbed into the skin. with leaving the gooey Sticky on the skin caused by what substance? Water Alpha Arbutin 2% Tranexamic Acid 3% Vitamin B3 5% GlucoBright 4% Vitamin B5 3% Double Hyaluron ic acid 2% กลีเซอรีน 1% Propylene Glycol 1% กันเสีย 1% Please suggest or increase-decrease any amount of substance. To reduce the greasiness and stickiness on the skin.
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Re: The texture of the product is sticky on the skin.

Postby staff » Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:35 am

Hello, please reduce the proportion of all ingredients by 50% (eg Alpha Arbutin from 2% to 1%), except Vitamin B5 reduced to 0.5% สารกันเสีย No need to reduce the ratio. and learn to introduce WaterSoft 3% helps to adjust the texture of the spray or water.
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Re: The texture of the product is sticky on the skin.

Postby kookkaiiip » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:12 pm

If you want the product to be slightly viscous but not equal to serum texture, can add Xanthan Gum 1% to increase the viscosity?
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Re: The texture of the product is sticky on the skin.

Postby staff » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:07 am

Hello, it can be done, but the rate of 1% is too high. It is recommended to try at 0.3-0.4%.
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