Haircare Recipes


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Postby surakamhaeng92 » Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:16 am

Hello, Lanofree that says surfactant, how is this? Help to coordinate water - oil or not? Use Tween20 ( Polysorbate20 ), but still not combine water and oil, so how is it different from Polysorbate60? Yes, another one Oil Blender is used instead of Tween20 or is there a difference? Please --------------------- Glycerin (Vegetable) 99.5%, after spinning it out, it produces bubbles. Which blender should I use? If considered eliminated, the poamde lacks moisture properties. And in the part of being a solvent, is there any other agent that acts as a substitute?
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Re: reduce surface tension

Postby staff » Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:35 pm

Lanofree that says surfactant, how is this? Help to coordinate water-oil?
The study team asked. Where did members find such information?
use Tween20 ( Polysorbate20 ) but still not combine water and oil, so how is it different from Polysorbate60? Another Oil Blender replaces Tween20 or is there a difference? Please, please
The team studied to ask about the recipe that the members made. To be able to advise you on choosing the right emulsifier
Glycerin (Vegetable) 99.5% foaming after blending. Which blender should I use? If considered eliminated, the poamde lacks moisture properties. And in the part of being a solvent, is there another one to act as a substitute?
The team studied for details and the process of mixing. Including the tools used to spin even glycerin will bubble. But if the mixing process is correct The resulting bubble will be at a controllable level.
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Re: reduce surfactant

Postby surakamhaeng92 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:27 am

Hello staff
use Tween20 ( Polysorbate20 ) but still not combine water and oil, so how is it different from Polysorbate60? Another Oil Blender replaces Tween20 or is there a difference? Please, please
The team learns to ask about the formula that members have mixed. To be able to advise you on choosing the right emulsifier
Natural White Beeswax 10% Candelila wax 5% Microcrystalene wax 5% shea butter 5% Mango Butter 5% Castor Oil 5% Coconut Oil 5% Avocado Oil 5% Sweet Almond Oil 5% Tween20 5% Water 45% as follows. The problem is that the water-oil is incomplete and flake occurs as well
Glycerin (Vegetable) 99.5% foaming Which blender should I use? If considered eliminated, the poamde lacks moisture properties. And in the part of being a solvent, is there another one to act as a substitute?
The team studied for details and the process of mixing. Including the tools used to spin it, even glycerin will cause bubbles. But if the mixing process is correct The resulting foam will be at a controllable level
[/quote] Milk frother mixer. Which is probably wrong in the formula water based pomade
[quote="taudomsin"]1. Paste Maker™ 25% 2. coco-wash™ 13% 3. glycerin 5% 4. Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) 10% 5. Phenoxyethanol SA 1% 6. Water 46% Procedure: Warm 1,2,3 with 80-90 degree heat, melt together. As part of the oil, heated 6 to 80-90 degrees and mixed with the oil part. blend well And wait for it to cool down to no more than 40 degrees, add 4,5, blend well. If you want a clear formula, please change Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) to PVP-K90 by mixing in water. If spinning with an improper blender glycerin in the formula will cause whiteness due to foaming. please consider cutting glycerin Exit the formula
according to this step. When adding Easy hair 8hrs, when the temperature is lower than 40, it is true that other ingredients have already started to harden, making Easy hair difficult to spread. After 10hrs, it's still not completely solidified. There are still some liquid and viscous. Please ask for experience from staff. Thank you.
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Re: reduce surface tension

Postby staff » Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:20 am

Hello, members can't use the milk frother mixer to blend because the milk frother mixer Emphasis on creating bubbles in the formula. like milk foam
Natural White Beeswax 10% Candelila wax 5% Microcrystalene wax 5 % shea butter 5% Mango Butter 5% Castor Oil 5% Coconut Oil 5% Avocado Oil 5% Sweet Almond Oil 5% Tween20 5% Water 45% as follows. The problem is that the water-oil is incomplete, and then flake occurs as well
. This formula is cut. Tween 20 removed from the formula and the oil portion is reduced to none. More than 40% of the formula, with the other 60% divided into 55% water and Milk Lotion Maker 5% serves to help coordinate.
The process of adding Easy hair 8hrs when the temperature is lower than 40 is true, the other ingredients have already hardened, making Easy hair difficult to spread. After 10hrs, it's still not completely solidified. Still some liquid and viscous
add Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) make it faster For example, try filling from 50-60 degrees. The formula should be all set the same. If it is blended together while it is setting The team is not sure This problem is caused by Cold recipe before going when adding Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) or the style of the blender used It is assumed that the two things are happening together.
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Re: reduce surface tension

Postby surakamhaeng92 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:43 am

Hello staff
This recipe is for you to cut. Tween 20 removed from the recipe and the oil portion is reduced to none. More than 40% of the recipe, with the other 60% divided into 55% water and Milk Lotion Maker 5% serves to help coordinate
If you use this one, how much texture will you get? Can it be clay?
Reduce the amount of oil to not more than 40% of the formula
here the team means only the oil or Oil+Butter or Oil+Butter+Wax
add Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) make it faster For example, try filling from 50-60 degrees. The formula should be all set the same. If it is blended together while it is setting The team is not sure This problem is caused by Cold recipe before going when adding Easy Hair Styler (8 Hr.) or the style of the blender used I guess it's caused by the two issues together
I'll try to change the blender and the Easy Hair, the higher the temperature. Does it work? Thank you.
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Re: reduce surfactant

Postby surakamhaeng92 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:50 am

Natural White Beeswax 10% Candelila wax 5% Microcrystalene wax 5 % shea butter 5% Mango Butter 5% Castor Oil 5% Coconut Oil 5% Avocado Oil 5% Sweet Almond Oil 5% Tween20 5% Water 45%
from above formula. Want to increase hair hold, which one should I add?
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Re: reduce surfactant

Postby staff » Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:26 pm

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