(Spare parts) Tube mold, tube sealing machine Ultrasonic system

  • Product Code: 7003

(Spare parts) Tube Mold, Tube Sealing Machine Ultrasonic system

The above price is special price for customer who purchased the machine from us before. If you do not have purchase record, there is an additional charge of, 500 Baht.
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(Spare parts) Tube Mold, Tube Sealing Machine Ultrasonic system

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(Spare parts) Tube mold, tube sealing machine Ultrasonic system

(Spare parts) Tube Mold, Tube Sealing Machine Ultrasonic system

(Spare parts) Tube Mold, Tube Sealing Machine Ultrasonic system

Mechanism -
Appearance -
Longevity -
Strength -
Storage -
Shelf Life -
Allergen(s) -
Dosage (Range) -
Dosage (Per Day) -
Mix Method -
Heat Resistance -
Stable in pH range -
Solubility -
Product Types -


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